Author Archives: Kelly J. Petersen Photography

♥ Happy Things ♥

My Photo Wall that hangs in my Bedroom

potted lemon trees

the clap of thunder

windblown hair

using dried summer flowers in cards and letters during the winter

a sunset with someone

braking for rainbows

the Morton Salt girl

Being Four

pale peach color

antique violins



Fried Chicken and Creamed Peas

Going to the zoo for your first time

Music boxes

My Print from “Christina Greve”

Last month I was lucky enough to win a print from a very talented photographer

and good friend, Christina Greve.

She lives in Denmark and I originally met her through Flickr

and now belong to her group, “The Shutter Divas”  which

she runs on Flickr.  She also has a yummy  and divine blog  which you can find here:

If you haven’t had the chance to check

out her work, please do.

She is not only a talented photographer

but has a

beautiful soul as well.

Thank you Christina. I love my print.

Kiss kiss darling ♥

When Days Are Grey

Age 10.

Going on 20.

Thinks  she knows more than anyone else.

Has a bit of an attitude.

And she fights me on everything.

She’s finding her way in this world.

She loves music.

And she’s plays guitar.

And she’s good.

Really good.

And I’m so proud of her

When I hear her playing.

I get all giddy and choked up inside.

I hate her attitude sometimes. And want to smack it right out of her.

Ten…is hard.

But I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

She’s mine.

And I love her.

More than all the stars in the sky. I love her.

She makes me smile

when days are


She brings out the child

in me.

Gives me a reason to

get up in the morning.

She has my heart.





Caitlin bug.


“Dreaming of Spring”

Oh I am longing for Spring in the worse way.

Longing for lush green grass.

Going barefoot and feeling the blades of grass between

my toes. Dreaming of hazy pink golden sunsets.


Snapping gorgeous photographs.

Sipping white wine on the porch.

Listening to locusts humming through

the night.

Yearning. Longing.



Snowy Monday Days

It’s Monday, although it doesn’t seem like Monday

Partially because the kids didn’t have school today due to Martin Luther King Day.

It snowed today. Big fat fluffy flakes.

The kind I like.

Then it turned to sleet.

Then rain.


It’s back to fat fluffy snow flakes.

Some would say it’s been a wasteful day.

I haven’t done a thing all day.

I took a nap.

Listen to some favorite music.

Tom Petty.


As I sipped on ice Cold Root Beer.

Looked through old photographs.

Stayed in my pj’s all day.

Amidst three piles of dirty laundry.

But I don’t care.

Not today.

The laundry will still be there tomorrow.

Still waiting for me.


I’m enjoying

Looking out the window

at the swirling snowflakes

sipping my rootbeer

and not

having a

care in the




“When the Time Comes”


Shades of Winter

Deep inside the midst of Winter; amidst the freezing and

complaining, I often tend to forget to look outside

and ignore the beautiful  shades of Winter.

The coolness of the white snow and blue skies. The  beauty of the bare

stark tree limbs against the wide open skies. The glistening of the crystal snow

as the sun glistens off it.

The quietness and stillness.  The exhilaration as the

coldness steals the breath from my lungs and leaves

behind a fulfillment to live life to the fullest

each and everyday.  To look around, touch the

snow, lay down and make snow angels, run my fingers

across the coldness of the steel tomb and wonder who

might be sitting there beside me. Feel the sharpness of the

wind as it whips across my face and listen to the wind shake

the branches to their core. I sit there.

Until my fingers are so cold I can’t feel them anymore.


A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My favorite things:

My favorite hat


and Coral Lipstick

No Doubt about it

I’m a definitely a girly girl

Florabella Actions & Textures for Photographers


Valentine Templates From Florabella

Actions and Textures from (Shana Rae) Florabella. I use her stuff a lot.

She has well just about everything.

Make sure to check out her website and her amazing goodies! Love ya girl ♥

My Portfolio

My Portfolio is me

everything that I am

and everything I am not.

It’s my strengths and weakness

it’s my self-confident and esteem

my past

my present

and most definitely my future

My portfolio is where I’m going

and the places I should have been

and shouldn’t go

It’s everything

it’s my inspiration and never finished.

Always a work in progress

It’s everything I’ve ever seen, touched, or smelled, sensed and believed.

It’s my worse fears and all my hopes

all at the same time

It’s the beginning of a beginning and the end of a era

and so much more than a phase.

it’s my portfolio and describing it is describing me.